Saturday 19 July 2014

New perception of world: What is asthma and how to over come asthma at home...

New perception of world: What is asthma and how to over come asthma at home...:

What is asthma and how to over come asthma at home......

                                   what is asthma?????

 Asthma is blockage in air way  i:e  in trachea and bronchia. These is because the contraction of  airway which is due to the contraction of  cylindrical muscles present in lungs and excess of mucus accumulation   after sum time in these mucus there is growth of microorganisum which changes the colour and texture of mucus and know the thickness increases and it result in difficulty in breathing.


The diameter decreases and due to mucus accmulation, the wheezing sound is heard.Asthma is basically the hyperactivity and hypersensitivity  of immune system 

Factors affecting and stimulating asthma......

  1. Allergy towards dust, pollen grains,cold things,cold air, and etc..
  2. Emotional stress.
  3. Less sleep and continous work.
  4. Low nutrition which decreases the immunity.
  5. Exercise and endurance.

 How to over come asthma.......

 ü  Fish oil contains essential fatty acid which has anti-            inflammatory effect.
ü Pyridoxine (B6) has been proven good against asthma.
ü If you are have exposure towards sulfite then you can have vitamin B12 it is also known as cynocobalamine it binds to sulfite there  by minimizing the risk of asthmatic attack.
ü Vitamin  C  lower the histamine level in blood which is one of the important  factor to cause hyper-activity.
ü Magnesium is also good against flair up it can be taken orally or intravenously.
ü OMEGA 3 is good anti-inflammatory compound found in cod liver oil, linseed oil, walnuts but the amount is very less so bitter to take supplementation of OMEGA 3.
ü Ginger, Garlic, onion also has anti-inflammatory compounds.
ü It is good to avoid allergent by wearing N95 Respirator or by simply wearing hankerchife around the mouth.
ü Do nose cleaning exercise regularly.
ü Do buteyko breathing exercise three times a day morning, evening, while sliping..
ü Chai seed(Sabja seeds) it is also so good in OMEGA 3.
ü Use N95 respirator or any other mask to avoid allergen.

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